


Please click “English Instruction” to go to an English instruction for Proceedings paper submission.

1. 報文集原稿作成要領

  • Microsoft Wordファイルの作成
    一般演題につきましては、以下のMicrosoft Wordテンプレートファイルに基づき1ページで作成して下さい。テンプレートの書式は変更しないで下さい。
  • PDFファイル作成

2. 提出方法



2019年7月9日(火) 23:00

4. 著作権


5. 報文集登録に関するお問い合わせ

第118回大会 ヘルプデスク
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5 アカデミーセンター


Proceedings Paper Submission

Please follow these instructions to develop a successful manuscript for publication of your paper in the Proceedings of the 118th JSMP. After preparing your manuscript, the authors go to “New Submission” site at the bottom of this page, and upload the authors' PDF file, in the submission system. All papers will be published in the Proceedings of the 118th JSMP in a Supplement Issue of the Japanese Journal of Medical Physics.

1. Preparation of your manuscript

  • • Writing a manuscript by using template files of Microsoft Word
    One page manuscript for the JSMP Proceedings is required for all accepted presenters. Please download one of the double-column template Word files below, and replace the content with the author's work. Do not modify the template form when writing the manuscript.

    [Word templates: Japanese]
    [Word templates: English]

    Since the 118th JSMP organizing committee will send the other template form to the special presenters, they should not use these double-column templates.2)Making of a PDF file Your final file to be submitted to 118th JSMP must be a PDF file, which will be published as is in the JSMP Proceedings. The authors must appropriately arrange the body text, images, tables, and figures according to the template file. All fonts must be embedded in the PDF file.

2. How to submit

Please go into the “New Submission” site at the bottom of this page, and upload the authors’ PDF file in the submission system. The authors must verify that the uploaded PDF file is the correct one. The 118th JSMP organizing committee will not accept any files other than specified earlier. Such documents as Word files and/or email will not be accepted. When an author uploads a PDF file, a registration number and password, which were provided when the abstract was submitted, will be needed.

3. Deadline of submission

July 9, 2019 23:00

4. Copyright of all papers in the JSMP Proceedings

The copyright of all papers in the JSMP Proceedings will belong to the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP).

5. Contact information for inquiries

118th JSMP helpdesk
c/o International Academic Publishing Co., Ltd.
358-5 Yamabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, JAPAN